Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Recap of Markma Discussion Day #1 03/30/2010

Hi Classmates,

Here is a summarized version of what we have talked about in class today:

1.) Research is 2 part: Quantitative and Qualitative
a.) Qualitative - SWS surveys - gives a more accurate representation of a larger pie chart. Costly
b.) Quantitative - gives insights from different people. an example of which is Focused Group Discussion.

2.) Went ahead and introduction for all people. 1 word that describes you + nickname+surname + work. Please see 1st blogpost.

3.) Story about Father giving his daughters hands in exchange of cows: 
Father has 3 daughters. 1st daughter was very beautiful, very smart. He gave her hand away for 100 cows. 2nd daughter was half as beautiful as the first, half as smart. He gave her hand away for half of the first - 50 cows. The third daughter was so-so. He said to himself, 10 cows would suffice. Then came a prince who sought her hand, gave the 10 cows and brought her back to his kingdom. His parents eventually died thus they became the new king and queen. When the king went to see his father in law sometime after a year, the father saw his daughter and thought to himself that his daughter now looks like she's worth a thousand cows. He asked the king: What did you do to her to raise her value? King said: I saw that she is worth a thousand cows even a year ago.

Lesson: See yourself for what you are worth

4.) As per the video shown during class - there were 8 qualitative researches:
a.) Focus Group Discussion
Pros: Hear views of other people, Sharing of inputs about a certain topic
Cons: Can't represent a bigger portion of the pie chart, hard to get 7-10 people of the same target market
b.) Depth Interview
Pros: In depth
Cons: Time consuming, people tend to give a socially acceptable answer. (how many times a day do you take a shower?)
c.) Home Visit
Pros: Observation validates the answer (what soap are you using? - person can see the answer in the restroom)
Cons: Time consuming
d.) Mystery shopping
Pros: True reaction in the actual service
Cons: More service oriented. i.e. can't do mystery shopping on a PC, only the service of the seller.
e.) Observed Shopping
Cons: Just by observing, behavior might change 
f.) Accompanied
Cons: Disturb the whole experience, might just buy a few items the just buy the other next time.
g.) Guerilla Interview
Pros: Can validate answer of interviewee by evaluating results (in this case - the grocery bag)
Cons: You can't know why they arrived at that decision, people who allow this interview already have their own profile to start with.
h.) Diaries
Cons: Done in a long period of time which is in conflict most of the time with how a person thinks/feel at the time of the consumption. (i.e. ate ice cream because it was hot)

5.) Did the salary summary. 50% of the class belong to C. Salary class of 50-100t monthly.

6.) Google Search - Complicated Algorithm considering more than 200 elements like: 
a.) How often you post
b.) How long have you been posting
c.) Big sites that link to you.
d.) # of visits
e.) Activity within the blog.

Resources for our class:
1.) gsbonline.ateneo.edu - Uses "blackboard". Coach Bong will slowly transfer files/links. username is Ateneo GSB ID#, password is surname. REMINDER: Change your password.
2.) our Class Blog: v50marketing.blogspot.com - We will be using this to communicate. check it every so often for assignments etc. to send an article here, send an email to josephdeungria.v50agsb@blogger.com.

Assignment for Tuesday April 6, 2010:

1.) Make you linkedin profile.
-post recent smiling picture
-elevator speech selling yourself
-links to company, school, personal website. summary of what you actually do. (Measurable)

2.) Brand launch
-3 page powerpoint assignment
-1st page - cover page
-2nd page - brief background about yourself (family and work)
-3rd page - focus on 4 things: 
a.) name (nickname + family name)
b.) description
c.) work
d.) story of all 3 things (weird will do) *and ideally something we can draw.

extra assignments: 
a.) make a gmail account
b.) make a blogger account
c.) make a linkedin account
d.) send email to josephdeungria.v50agsb@blogger.com with the following:
Subject: COACH Bong de Ungria
Body: emal, gmail, blog URL


  1. Whoops, wasn't able to put my signature.

    -Sherwin dela Cruz

  2. and sir if I may note. time is off by 3 hours. Thanks.

    -Sherwin dela Cruz


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